Monday, December 22, 2014

Ready... START!

I have always wanted to start a travel blog but I never find the time to organize my thoughts, the pictures I took, the details I have researched, etc.

I have a lot of backlog when it comes to posting the pictures I took in the social media because I usually go back to my daily life after my travels- bathe, sleep, bathe, eat, work (repeat until next vacation) and I find myself so tired to even clean up after myself (yep, I am a slob), much less have enough energy and time to focus and actually start something.

But it is December, and as we know, it's usually the time to think about our resolutions for the incoming year. So I thought, why not start that blog that I've always had in mind since forever. I don't need to post daily anyway, I just need to spend enough time daily to organize my thoughts and stuff and I know I'd be able to do it.

So here it is. My first step in preparation for next year! YEY ME! And yes, I am 30 years old and I still say "YEY ME!"

I have a lot of resolutions by the way, not just this travel blog. I thought I'd post them here just so I have an online reminder aside from the list I have in my notebooks:
1) Weigh less. Yeah! Good luck with this one! Hahaha! I never get to work on this one. So this is never taken down from this list.
2) Save more. Good luck with this as well! Since I plan to be travelling more, I'm having doubts with accomplishing this one. But it's always good to have this in mind. At least I was able to remove the "Pay Debts" resolution from my list right?! HUHA!
3) Post details of all travels I organized myself. And this one is for this blog!
4) Read the BIBLE more. I really need this.

Anywaysssss, I need to stop right here since I need to prepare for work. Hopefully, I'd be able to post about my first solo travel (2009) before the end of the year. I did say I have a lot of backlog right?

Hahaha! THIS IS IT!